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Next A-SPIN Meeting: November 10, 2011
Networking at 6:30, Presentation at 7:15.
Perfection: The Foundation of Lean
Scott Bellware, Chief Engineer for next-generation data center, cloud management and automation systems at Rackspace.
Voltaire is often misquoted as having said, “The perfect is the enemy of the good”. In software development, this is an oft-repeated refrain on projects that have departed from the control of their teams. It’s the point of a system’s life when it became committed to its demise. But this isn’t the natural state of software products and projects. How do we get here – even on brand new clean projects whose lives have just begun; projects that are supposedly free of traditional legacy obstructions? These “legacy” obstructions are side effects of irreparable-but-avoidable mistakes made in the early days and minutes of a product’s life. It’s only a natural state of a certain level of evolution (not “maturity”) of software development practice, but not of software development itself. This presentation outlines the cultural, managerial, and front-line Lean Yocan Software Development principles that keep software work from descending to the depths of counter-productivity. It challenges you to understand what you’re really getting yourself into when you commit to a Lean transformation. And it lays out the potential for freedom, reward, and productivity that come from recognizing software development mistakes, and what it takes to deal with them.
About the Speaker:
Scott Bellware is the Chief Engineer leading a team working on next-generation data center, cloud management and automation systems at Rackspace. Scott began the journey into Lean in 2007 after seeing limitations common to Agile Software Development. Scott has taught Agile Development Practices and Lean principles in workshops and conferences in the US, Canada, and Europe. He’s the founder of Lean Software Austin, and has founded and organized communities and events both regionally and internationally. He’s a five-time recipient of Microsoft’s award for community leadership and served as the Speaker Committee chairman for the International .NET Association (INETA). Scott is a tenacious pursuer of root causes, whether in organizational design, work design, or software and product design.
He’s an indomitable challenger of status quo, entrenchment, and anything that gets in the way of breakthroughs and improvements. While a self-admitted “average programmer”, he is a teacher, student, organizer, and activist who strives to communicate simple and powerful software development topics that become calcified by esoteric ideas and language.
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Meeting Agenda:
6:30 p.m. Networking and Gathering
7:00 p.m. Call to Order, Announcements
7:15 p.m. Presentation, with Q/A
8:45 p.m. Door Prize, Meeting Evaluation, Adjourn
Meeting Location:
Austin Community College
ACC Highland Business Center
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Room HBC1-411.0
map, directions
Open Membership:
Membership in the Austin SPIN is free and open to all. Come with a friend!
Re-certification Credit:
Proof of Attendance forms will be provided for PMI (PDU), ASQ (RU) and PDMA (PDH) re-certifications.
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Austin SPIN Platinum Sponsor:
Upcoming presentations:
No meeting on December
January 12: “Guerilla Software Quality”; Speakers: Celeste Yeakley and Jeff Fiebrich
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Map, Directions to ACC Highland Business CenterMap, Directions to ACC Highland Business Center